Opening of the First Greek Art Gallery in Bucharest
with Georgios Sekofski paintings

Opening Wednesday of 28 January 2009, 18.30 p.m.
Melenia Art Gallery, Covaci 12, Historical Centre, Bucharest.

Melenia Art Gallery starts her activity in Bucharest and presents, on Wednesday 28th of January 2009, the work of the Greek painter Georgios Sekofski, with the title “Against the total black”.
The work of exhibition is dominated by drawing and colour, that imprints the sensitivity and the culture of the artist, and that helps him to express himself better and to be able to communicate with his spectator more intimately.
The colour in the paintings of Georgios Sekofski, as his teacher, Mr P. Gravalos, characteristically says is what makes us think, wonder, compare and worry. The colour in the landscapes of G. Sekofski is what lands literally our look as if it says to us: “See what existed, see what exists and keep it alive”.
Georgios Sekofski seeks both in his own painting and in the others’ the truth. “Searching for truth we resist to the ugliness around us, optical and acoustical, which threatens the aesthetics and our life. Cutting or burning a tree, looks as if you have killed a person, this is the truth. I want with my work to remind to my spectator that certainly beauty exists around us, as long as we locate, see and protect it. We have to hope again against the spirit of our time, that tries to convince us that it has been lost”. Duration of the exhibition: 28 January - 28 February 2009